Frequently asked questions

Please contact us if you cannot find an answer to your question.

A Domain is like your home address on the internet. It's the unique name that you type into a web browser to visit a website, like "" or "" Just as your home address helps people find your house, a Domain helps people find a website on the internet.

You can register your domain address with a domain registrar like Namecheap. We recommend Namecheap because it works seamlessly with our solutions and offers reliable domain registration services at competitive prices.

Web hosting is like renting a space for your website on the internet. Just as you need a physical location to store your belongings, your website needs a place to live online. With web hosting, your website's files and data are stored on a server that's connected to the internet, making it accessible to visitors anytime, anywhere. We recommend Namecheap for your web hosting solutions because they offer reliable hosting services with excellent support and affordability.

For alternative and/or customized web hosting, please contact us.

 WordPress is a popular and user-friendly platform for building and managing websites. It's like a toolbox for creating your online presence without needing to know how to code. With WordPress, you can easily design and customize your website using themes and plugins, allowing you to add features like blogs, galleries, and online stores. It's widely used for its flexibility, scalability, and extensive community support, making it suitable for everyone from bloggers to large businesses.WordPress is ideal for clients who want a cost-effective solution to manage their own website content.

Ahh! Good question! A WordPress theme is a collection of files (including templates, stylesheets, and sometimes JavaScript files) that determine the overall design and layout of a WordPress website. Think of it as the visual appearance or "skin" of your website. Themes control the way your site looks and how content is displayed to visitors. They typically include features such as customizable colors, fonts, layouts, and widget areas. With thousands of themes available, you can choose one that suits your website's purpose and customize it to create a unique and visually appealing online presence. '
Themes' are the very files that we custom build for clients.